Saturday, 10 December 2011

Moon Bird

If I would to become a bird,
I should become one which know how to admire the moon like this one.

Featured Raining Season

From calm to calm.

Friday, 9 December 2011


Well, no present for right guess.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


I don't understand why this flower is so beautiful. The match maker or visitor are ant and fly instead of butterfly and all its life grow under the shelter of leaves, so why does it border growing to be so beautiful? From far you hardly notice anything special of these flower trees. But with a closer look, there is suprise beauty in the middle of the leaves. Perhaps just to give a supprise to the once in a blue moon visitor like me or the bee.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Window Dream

There is an island

in the black sea

with golden flower

Silver cloth

 grass hopper with 'hand'

lovely pink
that become the daily singing of this fellow.

Small business

Ice-cream seller

 Rojak (Mixed Fruit) Seller

Cloth seller at night with his own mobile lighting system.

'Tilam! tilam! collect old tilam exchange for new tilam' The 'song' is encouraging people to buy a new mattress.

 The foreign workers become his regular customers.

This candy van with lots of classic children songs bring back the childhood memory of many.

Reading those news regarding people giving up their lifes due to financial problem in the uprising inflation, I solute these people who keep their persistence effort in earning a living for themselves and their family.

Sky canvas

It a bliss to be able to see all the following just at the doorstep or from the window for me, like this bird.