Monday, 19 September 2011

Window Dream

There is an island

in the black sea

with golden flower

Silver cloth

 grass hopper with 'hand'

lovely pink
that become the daily singing of this fellow.

Small business

Ice-cream seller

 Rojak (Mixed Fruit) Seller

Cloth seller at night with his own mobile lighting system.

'Tilam! tilam! collect old tilam exchange for new tilam' The 'song' is encouraging people to buy a new mattress.

 The foreign workers become his regular customers.

This candy van with lots of classic children songs bring back the childhood memory of many.

Reading those news regarding people giving up their lifes due to financial problem in the uprising inflation, I solute these people who keep their persistence effort in earning a living for themselves and their family.

Sky canvas

It a bliss to be able to see all the following just at the doorstep or from the window for me, like this bird.

Work Rest Play Pray

I took this photo when the lighting in the morning make the cleaner who paid full attention in the sweeping seems like one on a performing state with his smooth moving.
Ditch repair is undergoing to remove the tree roots or whatever that block the water.

 Sometimes they remind resident to close their window using a moving van before this 'Denggi Mosquito Mass killing Mission' is carried out.

He took his time and walking very slow under the sun.

This lady was doing exercise with her 2 cute kids in the morning then they went to the restaurant for breakfast.
The school bus is like one from zoo, I wonder how the driver take those noise with those screaming Good- Bye daily.

Mamak stall open until 3am/4am the next day with Sinar FM radio or TV show in non-raining day.

Cheng Ria romance.

After Ghost Festival in the previous night celebrated by Chinese in the Lunar 7th month, lots of 'money' left behind... for the cleaner.

Recent Hari Raya's spark.

They collect the branches after some of them cut and trim down the plant as a regular routine.
This house was burned by fire on Feb 27 and they manage to build it back on Mar 17. Quite efficient.

The ninja who cut the grass regularly.


I call these blissful sweet as I always have to remain sitting facing the computer.

The 'little moving zoo' with many small fellow saying goodbye to their friends.

That invisible line as badminton net for them from my view point is visible.

Blissful grandson blissful old man.

My old neighbour kept shouting 'Goal!' when this kid played. They both have had fun.

Aunties chatting: you can hear about their kid and family story aloud, if you understand Malay.